The archive of the “Neo-abstract expressionism queen” is renewed

Revision of the archive of the complete work  of the New York sculptor and painter Fran Bull . Among drawings, canvases, sculptures, installations, graphics, there are over 1200 cataloged pieces, whose cards will be more easily and clearly accessible by the public. The initiative of the American contemporary artist is part of the tendency to bring order into the production of an artist to facilitate the work of critics and favor collectors. A trend that  The Map Report  has already dealt with, in that, in a sometimes opaque market, such as that of modern and contemporary art, transparency is an element that connotes a socially responsible vision .

Active on the market for over 50 years, Bull is considered one of the world's leading exponents of neo-abstract expressionism, so much so as to be known as "Neo-abstract expressionism queen". Also interesting is the vision close to the themes of deep environmentalism  , which has characterized Fran Bull's poetics since, in the 1980s, he turned his production towards abstraction. In place of representing the familiar and tangible surfaces of this world, the artist, in a search for nature, aimed to investigate and capture the invisible forces that gave rise to those surfaces by constituting deep roots. For example, in the series of paintings " The cycle of Maddalena”(Early 1990s), his large format works reveal the hidden energies and bio-ants that animate the physical realm.

Present in major museums around the world, including the legendary Moma (Museum of Modern Art) in New York, Fran Bull participated with the personal exhibition " Stations " at the Armenia pavilion , at Palazzo Zenobio , at the 57th Venice Biennale ( 2017). In 2019 she returned to Italy, to the municipal exhibition space "The steam factory", with the solo show " Libera nel mondo ", the centerpiece of the "International contemporary art" project, curated by the critic and art historian Giorgio Gregorio Grasso , with the collaboration of the municipality of Milan.