Fran Bull’s Contemporary Art Arrives at Fabbrica del Vapore

Con Fran Bull la contemporary art arriva alla Fabbrica del Vapore

The multi-purpose space of the Municipality of Milano sets off to replace the Oberdan as the exhibition venue for avant-gardes and contemporary art.

It is not a city for the contemporary. To hear this affirmation about Milan, the cradle of almost all Italian cultural avant-gardes, from futurism onwards, may seem bizarre. Whereas when it comes to fashion, design, and architecture the Lombard capital is always in pole position, the same cannot be said about visual art, at least when referring to large public spaces. There is the Pac, of course, but what’s missing, for example, is a real mega museum dedicated to contemporary art, twentieth century style. In short, Milan seems to be standing still at last century’s avant-gardes. 

A situation aggravated with the closing of the Oberdan, victim of the cancellation of the Province’s programs, which always made room in its exhibition calendar for some contemporary artists. 

To fill this gap is the Fabbrica del Vapore, a large and complex multi-purpose space of the Municipality. In the past, it hosted the great "Inside Magritte, emotion exhibition" (9 October 2018-10 February 2019), a tribute to the Master of Surrealism. 

In addition to the twentieth century avant-gardes, the Fabbrica Del Vapore is now also focusing on the contemporary. On February 1, at the Lotto 11 C (V & A), it will host “Libera nel mondo ", an exhibition by New York artist Fran Bull. Considered one of the greatest interpreters of contemporary American art, Bull is, in fact, known as the "Neo abstract espressionism queen". 

All this is part of the exhibition project "International Contemporary Art", a review of contemporary artists curated by the critic and art historian Giorgio Gregorio Grasso and also promoted by the cultural associations Milano Vapore and Corte Sconta. 

The exhibition is scheduled to run until February 14th.